

Introduce Strands - New NYT puzzle games

Strands is a brand new word game taking the puzzle world by storm, brought to you by The New York Times Games (creators of the mega-hit Wordle). It's a daily brain teaser that's perfect for word enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys a quick challenge.

Strands game blends the familiar concept of word search puzzles with a unique twist. Instead of just finding random words, you'll be hunting for words that connect to a specific daily theme.


Who created Strands Puzzle Game?

The mastermind behind Strands is Tracy Bennett, the same editor who curates the wildly popular Wordle. So, you can expect a similar level of clever design and addictive gameplay.

Strands NYT is perfect for anyone who enjoys wordplay and a daily mental workout. Whether you're a seasoned puzzler or just starting out, the intuitive gameplay and adjustable difficulty make it a great fit for all ages and skill levels.

How to play Strands Online


Strands presents you with a grid of letters and a single clue (category) in yellow. Your mission is to find all the words related to that day's theme hidden within the grid. There's also a special catch: a hidden "spangram" that stretches across the entire grid, connecting two opposite sides.

The spangram in Strands is a word that encapsulates the theme of the entire puzzle. It's unique in two ways:

  • Meaning: It describes what all the other words in the game have in common.
  • Location: The spangram stretches across the board, touching two opposite sides. This "spanning" is how it gets its name.
  • Finding the spangram can be a great way to solve the puzzle, as it helps you understand the theme and identify the remaining related words.

Unlike traditional word searches, Strands allows you to guess as many words as you like without penalty. However, the key to solving the puzzle lies in finding the spangram. This special word often splits the grid into sections, offering clues about the remaining words that fit the category.

Play Strands Online

Unlike traditional word searches, Strands allows you to guess as many words as you like without penalty.

However, the key to solving the puzzle lies in finding the spangram. This special word often splits the grid into sections, offering clues about the remaining words that fit the category.

Strands is currently in beta testing, but you can access it through website. Just search for "Strands NYT" or "Strands NYT Game" on your web browser.

Tips to solve Strands Puzzle

  • Start with the Clue: The category is your best friend! Analyze it carefully and brainstorm related words.
  • Hunt for the Spangram: Focus on finding the long word that connects opposite sides of the grid. This often becomes the key to unlocking other words.
  • Think Outside the Box: Don't limit yourself to common words. Less frequent words related to the theme can sometimes be hidden in the grid.
  • Use the Hint System: If you get stuck, Strands offers a hint system. You can earn hints by finding shorter words that don't fit the main theme.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you'll become at identifying patterns and strategizing your search.

With a little practice and these helpful tips, you'll be a Strands NYT Game master in no time!

How to play Strands

using mouse

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